Hello, fellow Earth lovers! Did you know that next weekend Earth Day occurs? And for us who believe in global warming [ hopefully that's you, right? and if not, let me persuade you! ;) ] Earth Day is quite a big deal. Whether you think global warming is fact or fiction [ it's fact, by the way ] the Earth could always be a cleaner. A cleaner world is a healthier, happier world.

Think of the future generations - they'll be affected by global warming to the extreme - and none of this is their fault. Think of your children or grandchildren [ whether you have them yet or might in the future ] Won't they suffer? Do you just want to dump the consequences on them? I would hope not!

That's why we ALL need to act on global warming now, even the average Joe and Sally. The big factories do a lot of the damage, but if everyone can start cutting down on their carbon dioxide output, it'll make a WORLD of a difference. Haha. :)

Our article containing DriveNeutral's tips is great - Click here to read it. It's a list of everything you can do, from the highly easy to the slightly harder. You might think not every little makes a difference, but if you think that, I'm sorry to say but you're wrong. Because every little tiny thing DOES make a difference!

I hope you can plan what you'll do for Earth Day. It's coming soon. While you should practice your good habits all the time, Earth Day is a special day. Plant a tree! Or maybe even *cough, cough* buy a hybrid car! ;) Thank you~~

1 responses:

  1. Johnny Ong said...

    unfortunately, major contributing countries which are affecting the earth cldn't be bothered  


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