Hi everyone. I guess some people might be doubting of this website because I haven't posted in some time. But I'm here to let you all know that I'm working hard and thinking hard on some upcoming content, and this site is definitely not dead. If anything, this is only the beginning!

I've been thinking about a contest. Where you do a few small things to enter, and it's free, and then a random person who entered is chosen to win the prize. The prize will be something like a t-shirt with Out With Global Warming on it, and it will mailed to you free of charge. What do you all think on that one?

So I'm sorry if I've been neglecting the site, but I really haven't. I've been thinking about it a lot in the past couple of weeks. Please comment and let me know if you like the idea of contest and if you would enter such a contest. I would like to know people will enter before I purchase any prizes. And also please note, details in the contest could change and it could evolve into a totally different contest.

Like I said, it's only the beginning! If you want Out With Global Warming to be a success and to spread the word, I highly encourage you to make comments to the posts you like, tell your opinions and what you think! And tell others! We grow together and share our success. Happy holidays! :)

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