www.driveneutral.org has some awesome tips and ideas on how to make the world a cleaner, better place. I found them so wonderful that I'm posting some of my favorites on this blog. To see them all, visit DriveNeutral's website!

Make your eyes as big as your stomach.
The average family of four wastes $600 of food a year. In addition to the unsavory price tag, food waste also contributes to pesticide pollution, fossil fuel use, deforestation, and water use.

Plan driving ahead of time.
Gasoline made from fossil fuels is the largest man-made source of carcinogens and the leading source of toxic emissions, according to the . EPA. Instead of going on several trips, try to combine them. Combining trips can reduce gas consumption and emissions. And added bonus: your car runs most efficiently when it’s warm.

Slow Down.
Did you know that driving at 75 miles per hour uses 13% more gas than going 65 miles per hour? Aggressive driving requires more braking and keeps the car in a lower, less efficient gear.

Compute your savings.
Changing your computers’ power saving settings can decrease the amount of electricity it uses.

Tree your home.
Shady trees can dramatically reduce the need to cool your home in the summer. Some kinds of trees can even keep you warm in the winter. Deciduous trees lose their leaves when it’s cool, allowing the sun’s rays to function as a heater.

Use the library.
Why buy a book you will read just once when you can borrow it for free? Most libraries are bursting at the seams with good books, magazines, and even music. If you do need to buy books, then buy used whenever possible, have a book exchange with your friends, and sell the books you no longer need. Trees everywhere will thank you.

Turn down your hot water heater.
For every 10 degrees that you lower your hot water heater, you can reduce your energy consumption between 3%-%5! This lessens emissions produced by your energy provider and also helps extend the life of your water heater. Most homes can set their heaters between 115-125 F.

Have a garage sale.
Is your attic, basement, or closet overflowing with stuff? Do you rarely use your gadgets? Reducing waste can be a win-win situation! You can also sell your stuff on the internet or exchange it with others.

Buy recycled paper.
Recycled paper requires less energy to produce. Every pound of recycled paper you buy prevents 4 lbs. of carbon dioxide emissions. Look for the highest available post-consumer content.

Lose the heavy stuff.
Each 100 lbs. in your car increases gas consumption by 1-2%. Another great reason to leave all bricks and rocks at home!

Didn’t your mother always tell you to share? If you only use your tent, ladder, or video player once in a while, consider lending it to others. Some communities have a shared tool shed. Workplaces have book exchanges. Or, you and a friend can team up to buy rarely used items. Sharing decreases the energy and pollution from mining, manufacturing, packaging, and transporting new goods.

As you can see, DriveNeutral really knows what they're talking about! And while it'd be great for you to do everything in this post, it's not always possible. Doing just a few of these things really could make a difference! Thank you for helping us to be out with global warming. =]

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