Global warming is not something to take lightly. In fact, you should take the matter very, very seriously. Some people say, "Oh, no more cold weather! Longer summers! What's so bad about that?" But think about it... Not only will you dread the 24/7 hot weather, but there will be other horrible effects, such as...

More droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, and more. Wildlife will be constantly dying out as their habitats and diets change. Worldwide temperatures and sea level will increase everyday. Is this something you want for your children and all of earth's future generations to have to go through? I would hope not. That's why we've got to do something today!

Take a look at these graphs.

The horrible effects of global warming

The horrible effects of global warming

Doesn't look too promising for our futures, does it? That's why we have to act fast! In around 35 years or less, the polar ice caps will be nearly completed melted, and it will be too late. For tips on what you can do to help the world and turn it around before these prospects become reality, please click here and read. Thank you so much!

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