Valetines Day is coming up, and while love will be in the air, so will pollution... Valetines Day is a nice chance to give back to the world and make some simple changes.

* Buy a ream of 100% post consumer recycled paper to make your valentines with this year. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper
* Move your heater thermostat down two degrees in winter... Not only is this helping the environment and saving you money, but it gives you an excuse to cuddle up with the one you love!
* Carpool! If you're going out this Valentines Day, carpool [or even walk or ride a bike] instead of driving your own car.

Those are only a few suggestions for what you can do this Valentines Day... But here are some more quick ones: Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Keep your water heater thermostat no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Take shorter showers. Unplug all un-used electronics, even when they're off. Put on warmer clothes instead of cranking up the heat. Buy more recycled and organic products. And last but not least, plant a tree.

Happy [early] Valentines Day! :]

1 responses:

  1. Unknown said...

    You have a really good website here, Tay.


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