Spread the word!

The word needs to be spread about global warming... And thanks to technology, there are so many ways you can do that!

One- On this website, there are some buttons in the sidebar where you can "link us". Just copy the entire code below the image. Then paste it into your website, profile, or whatever you want. Be sure not to change the code, or it won't work. This will let people discover global warming and this website-right from YOUR site/profile!

Two- Go to www.stopglobalwarming.org On that website you can join in their "virtual march". When you sign up another "marcher" will be listed. The higher the number of "marchers" grows, the more global warming is recognized and the world is shown that people DO care. Also on Stop Global Warming's website, you can see other ways to spread the word and things you can do.

Three- Talk about it, and show strength through your actions! Talk to your friends all the time about global warming, and what THEY can do. Teach your community. Then do the things you can do to lower the carbon dioxide in the air and end global warming. Your actions will encourage others to do the same.

SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT! Let global warming [and ways to end it] be fully known to everyone you meet...

If you really want to do more, here's a fun, easy way. Just make a poster to help reverse global warming!

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