So many people think global warming is not a fact, but it is! I've talked with some people I know in real life about global warming, and they say, "Well I don't believe in global warming, because my dad doesn't." Or things of that sort... You know, you really need your own opinion and views on global warming. Don't always listen to your parents, your friends, politicians, the media. Even important people and people you love can be wrong.

If you're going to have an opinion, you need to base it on facts. Do some research on global warming. Go over detailed reports, graphs, charts, etc. For example, did you know that the past few decades have been recorded the warmest?

Some believe global warming is not the fault of people, but it is actually a natural cycle of the earth. But do you realize how people treat things? We use up all of our natural resources and we're very wasteful. We don't dispose of our trash properly. We chug along in our big gas guzzling trucks. To be honest, humans just aren't as clean as they were a hundred years ago. I think we need to go back to our old habits to help preserve the earth and all of our resources. Global warming or not, we could do a better job.

If you'd like to check out what WE have to say about global warming, please visit the following links:

Why Should You Care About Global Warming?
The Horrible Effects of Global Warming
DriveNeutral's Tips on Ending Global Warming
We Need Effort from Everyone
National Parks in Danger!
Sea Ice Thickness Decreasing

Not only do you find opinions on this site, but you find A LOT of facts from which you can base your own opinion. So if you don't believe global warming is true, start rethinking!

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