Here's what I'm asking YOU to do. Make one poster (or more is great too). The poster can be about any size, but it needs to be colorful to draw attention to it. Make a catchy title like "You can save the world!" or "You can be a hero!" or even "Stop global warming!"
After you make the title, now it's time to write some information on what the person who will see the poster can do to help stop global warming. Browse this website to find the tips you want to include in your poster. (Examples are: *Recycle *Carpool, walk, or ride your bike more often *Take shorter showers *Use your dishwasher with only a full load *Make sure your tires are properly inflated). For some good tips, click here.
If you have room in your poster, include that doing things to help save the world from global warming also help you save more money throughout the year. For example, if you insulate your house you will save more money because the heat you pay for won't escape. Or, if you turn your heat down 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer, is another good example.
Somewhere in your poster, be sure to include the link to this website ( You can say, "Check out this website to see more ways on how you can help Earth."
It's great if you make just one poster, but multiples are great! If you have nothing to do, this is a good, fun idea on how to spread the word and help the cause. Take your posters to a bank and see if they can put them up for you, hang them on community bulletin boards, or even pass them out.
Think of other creative ways to help the cause. If you have another good idea, please email it to along with the link to your website. If we like your idea, it might be featured on Out With Global Warming, and we'll link to your website!
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