"Going Green" doesn't require to change your life. People think that when they're asked to help out with the cause, to do their part in saving Earth, means they will need to change their entire lifestyle and way of living. Wrong.
To do your part and help reduce your carbon footprint, you don't need to do everything, and you don't need to do it all the time. For example, taking shorter, quicker showers helps in being resourceful. But you don't need to take three minute showers everyday. If your showers are usually twenty minutes, instead try to reduce them to fifteen minutes or so daily. Or take your normal twenty minute showers half the week, and then take ten minute showers the other half.
As long as you're doing something, you're still helping. You don't half to go to the extremes and punish yourself in order to help defeat global warming. Do as much as you can, but you don't need to do everything, and not constantly. But as long as you're doing something, then it's okay. The Green Lifestyle doesn't need to actually change your whole lifestyle.
For some good tips on what you can do for your part, click here.
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