Air Car Runs on Compressed Air
The air car is ready for mass production, according to an article on Yahoo written by Bob Ewing. The car is supposed to run on air, yes, it's true! But unless you live in India or Asia, you might never get to see it. The air car would supposedly never survive North America's crash tests.

What's the catch? The air car uses compressed air to push its engine pistons. Refueling is easy, if you're near a gas station that has a compressed air machine, that is. However, it will only cost about two dollars to refill. If you don't live near a compressed air machine, you can do it yourself, but that will take about four hours.

Cons?? To me it sounds like a pretty neat little car, but, like I said, you'll need to be a compressed air machine. Also, while the car puts off only air, fossil fuels will be used to create the electricity for refueling with compressed air (of course, it's still better than our fuel-chugging cars). And this little air car might never be seen in the United States, where I am, because it is light weight and has glued-together fiberglass construction. That's not all. It goes no faster than 68 miles per hour, and its driving range is 125 miles before it gives out.

What do I think? While it's not the ideal car for most people, I'd love to have one! Not only will it be cleaner and save a lot more energy (hurray for doing out with global warming!), but it also sounds like a real money saver.

Read the full story here.

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