Some people would say, "Oh, I don't need to change MY lifestyle or the way I do things. One person doesn't make a difference."

But that is most certainly false. It takes everyone in the world to make a change on this planet, to turn our earth's warming around and get everything back the way it should be. Imagine all the people who think they don't make a difference. We won't get anywhere, will we?

If you think the little you things you do don't matter, you're wrong. They matter a lot, and they mean a lot! If you can do one more thing to change the world for the better, I suggest you do it. One person out of millions and billions CAN and WILL make a difference. And you will be a good role model for others who are still a little hesitant. Of course, going green doesn't require to change your entire life. You can do something simple like make a poster for the cause.

TODAY'S TIP: Only turn your dishwasher on when it's full. Wait and run it when there's no more room left. This saves money, and it saves our planet, because you won't be running the dishwasher as often as you would be otherwise.

For more good tips on what you can do for your part, click here.

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Have a great day,
and keep the earth clean! :]

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