Global warming and taking care of the earth is the main focus here, that's true. But there are also some other important things to focus on as well. Taking of the earth is very, very important, but what about taking care of the people in it?

There is too much hate in the world. People are abused and treated horribly all the time. Less and less people are told how much they are loved.

Over at Bolts of Bravery, there is a great post called "Write a letter to someone you love". Life is too short, and for many people, much too cruel. You CAN make a difference. Write a letter to someone you love telling them how much you love them, care for them, and appreciate them.

The main focus here is global warming and such, but like I said, there are other important things too. Please do check it out.

1 responses:

  1. Anonymous said...

    Aftergone through this blog i am very impressed. But I am also write some information about Global Warming  


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