Global warming is serious, and with cars been driven more and more all the time, it's time to start considering making public transit free. Before you argue, please read the 17+ points this article makes:

17 Reasons (or More) to Stop Charging People to Ride the Bus

Many disagreemens are that all the bus equipment, gas, and management costs can just pay for themselves. Another theory is that if it is made free, public transit will be used more and more, using up even more gas.

But is it better to have one bus going or dozens of cars? What about all the gas used for each individual person's car? Maybe getting people to use public transit would be better. Just please read the points the article makes.

And if you really want to help stop global warming, CARPOOL as much as possible! So many cars are able to hold large amounts of people, some can hold 7 or more people but are often driven in holding only one person. Why waste the space, the gas? Live green!

Also, if you have a family and you have two or more cars because different members of the family leave at different times (for example, one spouse's job starting early in the morning and the other's starting later in the day), then try your best to rearrange your schedules so you can share one car whenever possible.

If you have errands, try to do them all in one trip. Remember, fight global warming and live green!

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