I found an awesome blog (it even has the same layout as this one, but not for long, as Out With Global Warming will be getting an update soon...) called These Come From Trees. The first thing that I saw on their blog showed these quick facts, and I'd like to share them with you:

  1. A typical fast food restaurant with two bathrooms can use up to 2000 pounds of paper towels a year
  2. The average coffee shop uses 1000 pounds of paper towels a year
  3. A single tree produces around 100 pounds of paper
  4. Roughly 50,000 fast food restaurants in the US
  5. 200,000 gas stations in the US
  6. 14,000 McDonalds' in the US
  7. There are 10,000 Starbucks in the US

Scary, isn't it? Click here to see more. Basically their project is to have stickers for their cause, and when people purchase these stickers, each sticker helps to save about one tree's worth of paper each year. I think it's a fantastic cause and right down our alley! Out With Global Warming isn't just about global warming but caring for the world ;)

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